Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Letterof Inquiry

Horoscope 03.10.2011.

ARIETE - lavorerete più velocemente degli altri tanto che vi troverete presto sfaccendati e con molto tempo libero a disposizione. TORO - controllate e ricontrollate la vostra preparazione: solo così minimizzerete i rischi di errore. Anche un piccolo passo falso can have serious consequences. GEMINI - you should do more effort than usual to escape the pressures of someone today: keep your eyes open and do not be put on the ropes. CANCER - prefer to reach your goals and avoid going through the official channels today, but that might mean a very complicated life. LION-a bit of nostalgia may have an unexpected effect on you today, especially if you'll be rocking in memory of a person that there has never really left. VIRGIN - a person who is trying to distract you from your primary goals, but your concentration and your commitment are unassailable. BALANCE-not react disproportionately to an unexpected event: it is not the time to be accused of scaremongering. SCORPIO - for you today will be important to do things right and to do this you will need to go all out right from the start and run without proceeding with meticulousness. SAGITTARIUS - you'll be able to tolerate any criticism will be moved today, unless it comes from a person who is close to my heart. CAPRICORN - every rule has its exceptions: you will know today when staff will face a very complicated undertaking. AQUARIUS - able to carry out a performance that will surprise even you. In the final day you will realize that it exceeded all expectations. FISH - encouragement you will not miss today, and you can be sure that anyone who encourages you will also be on hand to provide its support material.


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