Monday, December 13, 2010

Letter To Offer Insurance

Greeting Card Images from the 2010

Eccoli pronti a partire i miei biglietti d'auguri per questo S.Natale 2010.
Quest'anno mi sono presa molto in ritardo e pensavo quasi di non farli, ma poi ho avuto una grandiosa idea e in pochissimo tempo ho realizzato questi biglietti che non mi sembrano niente male.
I used the fabric I used for the bearings of the market (see previous post) and the termobiadesivo I glued the images to the card. I've completed a timbretto "Merry Christmas", written, photographed, packaged and shipped! In record time!

certainly not the work of those made in previous years you can see here or here, but have managed pretty much the same.
will be satisfied with my relatives and friends who receive them?
:-) I really hope so!

A big kiss


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