Thursday, December 23, 2010

Personal Movie Clip (bastard Forsyningen) Liryc

Merry Christmas!

I want you all my best wishes for a peaceful Christmas, full of joy and love!
I leave you this picture of the nativity scene that has made Anna to school and poetry che ci ha dedicato .

E’ Natale ogni volta
che sorridi a un fratello
e gli tendi la mano.

E’ Natale ogni volta
che rimani in silenzio
per ascoltare l’altro.

E’ Natale ogni volta
che non accetti quei principi
che relegano gli oppressi

ai margini della società.

E’ Natale ogni volta
you hope to those who despair
physical and spiritual poverty.

's Christmas
every time that you recognize with humility
your limits and your weaknesses.

's Christmas

every time you allow the Lord
to be reborn to give it to others.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta



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